Follow Me to the TOP!

Good Morning Still Playin’ With It PEEPS!

Aw the start to a new BIRTH year! My utmost love and gratitude for each of YOU. I believe it is going to be an ASS KICKING year!

Follow me to the top of your true potential. Your dreams, hopes and aspirations are just around the corner…even if the trail bends, the path is rocky or the road is slippery! Woohoo! Those make for perfect experiences! And a training which is ideal for who you are and where you are going! I promise.

Enjoy this raw video and know that I will be posting a blog this weekend with a rad “Playlist to my Life!”

Love and Ass Kickin’ Gratitude,



Links to mentioned past blogs:

Imatard, Uatard Avatard

For the Love of Legos

Tootsie Rollin’

“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day your realized why.”
Mark Twain

Rock the Vote- Take 2!

Dear Still Playin’ With It Family,
Isn’t it a blur? Sometimes life seems to throw you into this space of CONFUSION?! This place where the only thing you can do is go back to old programs, old routines and old shit storms? As I approach my birthday, the process of death, transformation and birth are mingling in my mind. I am reposting one of my favorites today. Not only as a gift to you, my readers. But, also as a reminder to myself. So, today, I tell you this:
1. Trust the Process
2. Be willing to unravel the artichoke
3. Be beautiful in the life of another
4. Be grateful for YOU
5. Kick F-Ing ASS!
As you read on…if you have read it before, read it again while taking in what becomes clearer today. If you haven’t read this one before, enjoy and be inspired. (chips) You got this! Now, Grasshopper… Go ROCK THE VOTE!
“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.”-Joseph Campbell
IMG_8783As many of you read in my last post, Shake, Rattle and Kick Ass, I passed my second and final licensing exam to be an LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) in the state of California. Which is quite the battle and I am very proud of my accomplishment. Thank you to those who have supported and encouraged me along the way. Since then, 10 days ago, I have found my way to this place that is, well it…just IS! This is: THE SPACE BETWEEN. 
What is the space between? No, not the Dave Matthews song…(You’re welcome!)
You all know, if you read me diligently (and I thank you from my depths, if you do) that I love definitions of words. They carry strength. So…Between by definition: “in the period separating (two points in time.) Two points in time…what is in between two points in time? NOW.
This “Between” is my current residence. But, I am going to be the Mayor of this fucking town and call377178_285631241537769_216003152_nit: FOR-NOW. Who is ready to buy some land and plant some crops in FOR-NOW?  Prices are amazingly LOW because no one wants to live here…currently. So I will take a breath, look around and know that this space is exactly that: FOR-NOW. 
The magical land of FOR-NOW, between where you were last and where you are going…can be scary, to say the least. It can hold an energy of confusion, and or fear. Those fearful moments don’t add to the amazing process we are experiencing in the Space Between. Your free floating thoughts may sound like this: “I’m lost!” Impossible! “I’m stuck!” Nope. “I’m stranded.” Never! “What do I do now?” Be Here. 
My Space Between is filled with inquiries that I don’t have an answer…FOR-NOW. They are evolving. My current habitation is rich in development, so, I sit patiently. Well, most of the time. What will unfold? What and how will I move into this next chapter? Who will I meet that will have a specific purpose to teach me something radical? Or vice versa?
FOR-NOW is a space for letting go of control. Allow yourself to open your eyes and mind to all that is in this space. And then, settle in. Snuggle yourself into the depths of this cozy, warm, perfect place…a truly10378208_10152805634382189_3437280166053225334_nexciting place to see what is brought to you! Are you with me? Or are your insecurities and ego getting in the way of what is? Stop for a moment, right now and ask yourself that exact question. Allow the answer to come…
A tool to use for this space: BREATH! I think of meditation within the context of this space. The space between in meditation or prayer is that “place” you go where there is no time. Where there is no space, people, things…just your breath…and YOU. Link to How To Kick Ass in One Easy Step, where I talk about this practice of…breathing.
Raise your hand if you have been in or are in YOUR Space Between? Where you don’t know the next plot on your course. I don’t know where I am going…exactly. But what I DO know: I AM HERE NOW. Trust the process! Enjoy the journey…this exquisite journey into YOURSELF.
IMG_1622And of utmost importance, my FOR-NOW abode is not my FOR-EVER. Nor is yours. That is an important point to make very understandable and clear: FOR-NOW, does not mean FOR-EVER! Life is a becoming. Let your life become what it is to be through this space between.
As Mayor, President, CEO, and Soul-Proprietor of the beautiful city of FOR-NOW, I promise this to you, dear citizens: YOU can take complete solace that the unclear will become clear, the unknown WILL become known, and the fog will lift. Then and only then, will your investment multiply!
Population: 1
Who is ready to admit where they are and invest in this ocean front property? 
“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day your realized why.”
Mark Twain



CarlBachandCoronado 001

This entry is passionately riffed as the subject matter is near and dear to my heart. Please read and comment. Please allow yourself to feel my words. Thank you for reading.


How many of you know someone who has served this country? I am sure you all do. These are the men and women, past and present, who have given up their freedoms to protect ours.

My gratitude for the military is beyond words to express. I really have a hard time verbalizing my gratitude, my respect, admiration and utter love for this population.

The ones that… during the draft of Vietnam, watched the old black and white TV in their parents living room sat scared shitless as their number was drawn. Could you imagine this feeling? I can’t. Or while the love of your life, your son, husband, boyfriend, nephews number was drawn. Imagine.

And to the women that nursed these men back to the best health they had the ability to. For the women that served this country on the sidelines, seeing the blood and guts while hearing the same things the men did in the trenches. The smell of gasoline, the feeling of blood and the loss of a friend.

Or the ones that came home ready for a ticker tape parade and instead being spit on. Pride in their hearts and pain in their soul.

Or the ones that received the word that their child, spouse or friend had given it all for the betterment of our lives at home. Imagine.

These are the 18 year old boys (not old enough to drink legally) that say, “Sign me up. I mean I don’t have a better option. My folks are poor, I wasn’t given the opportunity to go to college, I live in a small town and don’t wanna work at the gas station, so I think I will sign up for a job that feeds me three meals, gives me a bed and pays me less than minimum wage.”

Or the ones that decided, “After college, I will commit to continued excellence by now, giving at least four more years to the betterment of this country and the men and women in the military. I want to develop leaders by being a leader.”

Or the girl that thought, “I can do this. I will show them, I will prove to myself and to the world, that I am strong, that I matter, that I am enough to fight for this country.”

Or the ones that courageously said Post 9-11, “SIGN ME UP! I am proud and honored to protect this country from an attack of this impact.” Without looking at any details of the attack or the governments involvement, they said without a blink of an eye, “I will serve, I will commit my life, I will forge forward and I will make a difference.”

Or the woman that says, “Go, my love. I will support you. I will be here when you return with my arms wide open, ready for your return, no matter the impact it has on you, me, or our family. I will love you if you return without a limb, return with a tremendous amount of stress in your mind, and the inability to connect for…a while.”

Or the parent that accepts with pride as they watch their son or daughter get on that bus and drive away for bootcamp, knowing that there is the possibility that this little person they grew in their womb and in their homes would be able to hold a gun, fight for our country and lose their life.

(Alan Jackson’s Song, “Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)” just came on Pandora…Thank you for the confirmation of my inspiration this am)

Or the child that watches, possibly unaware, of why Mommy or Daddy is leaving again. Smiling, they hug them, giggling they squeeze their neck while the parent holds back the tears to be strong for their family. “See you soon, baby. Daddy will be back before you know it.”

I will forever and ever and ever, admire, respect and SUPPORT our military. Despite political opinions, sex, race, sexual preference, SES, education…THANK YOU!

How can we serve them? How can we give them back a teaspoon of what they give and gave us?

I am committing to serving them right now. I will volunteer my time and career to serving this population of people. Whether by listening to their stories, connecting them to services or holding their hands. Whether supporting the families at home while their loved ones are away, or contacting our government officials to discuss the benefits they deserve…I will serve them. Whether by researching and making forward progress into treatment modalities that will assist them in processing their experiences and leading successful post-war lives, I will serve them.


Thank you Poppy for your service to this country. You are my hero.


“What would you do TODAY if you had no fear?” -Rebecca Laser


It’s a dichotomous
life we live at times, isn’t it? Like a leprechaun in search for her pot of gold. Endlessly hunting in turmoil for the end of that rainbow that “they” say you can never find! On a continuous quest to find that bloody treasure, we toil the land, look under places we never thought we could. Coming up with nothing many times, or at least it feels like nothing. Then the bells ring. The whistles blast and the glitter falls from the sky: JACKPOT!

Dear Still Playin’ With It Family…YOU CAN leprechaun1FIND YOUR POT OF GOLD! Even if it is at the end of a rainbow in which the world tells you doesn’t exist. Don’t believe that B.S. Your dreams DO exist. Your goals are achievable. Your BLISS is to be called out. This is where the belief in YOU and YOUR power exists.

It would be so easy at that point to stop. Resistance of the worlds beliefs derails you and your dreams. Aw, the life of the acting world. Do you think Matt Damon and Ben Affleck fell for this crap at some point? Probably. Why keep moving forward when STOP signs keep you blocked? Because (Doc S, JD, and RC) there is a pot of fucking gold to be found! It is your bliss…keep moving forward. Don’t buy in to the misleading guidance of the fearful insinuating that there is no rainbows end. Instead, create it! I am so proud of you.


My friend in LA was chatting with me about a writing job she has. (Oregon girl) She had some fear of how it would turn out, almost not putting the hope or expectation into what may or may not happen. Forget THAT! In If You Build It, I mentioned FEAR being:





imagesShe was focusing on the fear of what MAY happen. Per the Universal Law of Attraction: what we think about, we bring about. So, I challenged her with this:

“Imagine what it would FEEL like to go ALL THE WAY and FOCUS ON THAT!” She said that made her smile just to think about. Hmm? To believe in one’s self?! To BELIEVE in the ability of one’s gifts, dreams, and bliss? What a concept! What would it FEEL like to pass that test? Land that acting gig/writing job? Be pain free? OR get a “W”?!!!

The San Diego Chargers, despite their athletic talent, lost to Miami with a big fat goose egg last week. This is a perfect example of the mind game. Where athletes are fighting a bigger battle: Their mind…or too much partying in South Beach. I am going to go with the first. Phillip Rivers, the QB, has a tremendous amount of athletic ability and talent. To get “W“s you have got to have more. You must have the mind-strength, belief and intention to get those “W“‘s. Combined with a TEAM to support you. (Give me a call, Phil. I will help you get more “W”s.)san-diego-chargers-quarterback-philip-rivers

Setting an intention or goal to WIN is what brings the “W” to life. Eliminate the “What If’s” or “What Mays” by combining “What Is” with the belief.  Belief in the outcome you are envisioning is what creates those accomplishments. In Bump, SET, Spike! I talk about the POWER of setting an intention! Check it.

Life lesson: Small steps lead to GREAT and significant accomplishments! Even in the midst of fear, take a step. I talked about this in Just Do It, my video from two weeks ago. If you have something you want to accomplish, take a small step, or think about what you Do Do (link to Do Do or Doo-Doo, one of my favorite blogs) and NOT what you don’t! (cough! Preaching to the choir!) Was there something you set out to accomplish this week that felt insignificant, yet for you was a victory? Celebrate that! I celebrate YOU!








What do you wanna get a “W” in this week? Do you have your heart set on this WIN? And do you have a team to support you? THEN TAKE A STEP and KICK ASS! 



“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” -Benjamin Franklin