
“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” Mother Teresa


Good Day Still Playin With It Posse!

I riffed last time in: It’s A Bird! on being your own Super Hero  and how you can be all you desire! From a brilliant power pose to using your mind to create those powers! Remember? Did you take a moment to reflect on your Super Hero List?

Thank you for the feed back on this blog. I was tickled to hear how it inspired you and made you think and even feel POWERFUL!

IMG_3177Super Heroes don’t live simple lives do they? Or do they? I imagine Wonder Woman had a part of her that went home and had a sexy, simple dinner with her man, or watched the sunset with her best friend…

This morning I have been inspired by the simple things. Someone once said to me, “It is the simple things I love.” (Twaves) I think we have all heard this before. But as I, myself, pondered the statement, I was taken back to what the simple things are in my life. AND I am grateful for the people that remind me of this important aspect of life.

Some of my favorite simple pleasures are:

IMG_4627Coffee, Fro Yo, Quarters, bike rides, holding hands, making eye contact, candles, exercising, sunsets, airplane mode, long drives, music, corn tortillas, making dinner with the people I love while we chat and discuss the day, Sylvia, connection, beer, the view from my spot, my tree, my heartbeat, water, pillows, fuzzy blankets, high fives, funny movies, getting off the grid, fist pumps, a phone call with my parents and friends in Oregon and around the World…

What are the simple things in your life that you can go to to make you smile? Write them out and have them accessible. In those moments that we are staring at that “ledgie” 😉 wondering what is next…come back to YOUR BREATH, then to the MOMENT, then to what you have at your fingertips right now that will ignite that feeling of worth, and gratification.

IMG_8921The most impactful simple things are within the moments I share with the people in my life. The above picture is a prime example. As I jogged around Gili Trawangan off the coast of Bali, I ran past these gorgeous local women. All it took was a smile and a high five to bring joy to ALL our faces. Like a little smooch to our hearts. 

As Mother Teresa quoted above, we never may know what a smile does to a soul, but we can be assured of one scientific FACT! The mirror neurons we hold within our brain, will contagiously cause an effect and a chemical will be ignited that WILL bring some sort of positive effect on the other. Like a little kiss to the brain. IMG_6976

As I hiked Potato Chip Rock last week, I set the intention to smile at everyone I passed on the trail…and everyone smiled back! Like a little peck to one another’s soul. It can make the next step of the climb a little better.

I share these moments with you to remind you that you have it ALL within you. I know you hear me say that a lot because it is an unbelievable, at times, TRUTH!  I just said it to one of my Marines yesterday! Practice the simple things and the “big” things will come.

“A little ember is still a fire.” -Rebecca Laser

Within the moments we share and experience is breath. That simple, yet highly complex mechanism in our bodies is the true life source of our creation. Breath is so sweet and such a gift. Yes? Check out this riff to see how I explain the power of Kicking Ass through YOUR breath…How to Kick Ass in One Easy Step.


The woman to my left is an amazing super hero in my life and finished her first ever 5-k! Talk about an honor to watch that simple Sunday morning exercise become a blaze within her! I am so proud of you, Goddess!


What little kiss can you bring to your life today? What little smoochie can you give to another through a simple act of life…I dare you.




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