I Remember…

CarlBachandCoronado 001

I remember five years ago standing in a gym telling a fellow gym babe that my ideal job would be to work with the military inside and outside the office. TODAY I am doing it! I am more than proud of the work I do daily. #changinglives 😉

I remember struggling with my divorce from a US Marine for many reasons. But for this specific: I was a proud military spouse that wanted to support her USMC man in every way. Those moments you don’t understand why things happen the way they do, REMEMBER, it will ALL work out for good…if you TRUST yourself and the process.

HINDSIGHT: I was able to step into my current job due to my experience as a military spouse. Don’t question where you are. Just know it is right.

TO ALL my military peeps that TRUST me daily with your heart, mind, and past…THANK YOU!!!!!!!! 

And…TO ALL those that have supported me in this dream, THANK YOU!

Thank you Poppy for your service to this country. You are my hero.


Some of you, if not all, have read my blog: “SERVCE”. It was originally written 29, March, 2014. One of my first. I have published it twice since then due to the impact it had on me and where I AM TODAY:

“I am committing to serving them right now. I will volunteer my time and career to serving this population of people. Whether by listening to their stories, connecting them to services or holding their hands. Whether supporting the families at home while their loved ones are away, or contacting our government officials to discuss the benefits they deserve…I will serve them. Whether by researching and making forward progress into treatment modalities that will assist them in processing their experiences and leading successful post-war lives, I will serve them.”

SERVICE-29, March, 2014

This entry is passionately riffed as the subject matter is near and dear to my heart. Please read and comment. Please allow yourself to feel my words. Thank you for reading.



How many of you know someone who has served this country? I am sure you all do. These are the men and women, past and present, who have given up their freedoms to protect ours.

My gratitude for the military is beyond words to express. I really have a hard time verbalizing my gratitude, my respect, admiration and utter love for this population.

The ones that… during the draft of Vietnam, watched the old black and white TV in their parents living room sat scared shitless as their number was drawn. Could you imagine this feeling? I can’t. Or while the love of your life, your son, husband, boyfriend, nephews number was drawn. Imagine.

And to the women that nursed these men back to the best health they had the ability to. For the women that served this country on the sidelines, seeing the blood and guts while hearing the same things the men did in the trenches. The smell of gasoline, the feeling of blood and the loss of a friend.

Or the ones that came home ready for a ticker tape parade and instead being spit on. Pride in their hearts and pain in their soul.

Or the ones that received the word that their child, spouse or friend had given it all for the betterment of our lives at home. Imagine.

These are the 18 year old boys (not old enough to drink legally) that say, “Sign me up. I mean I don’t have a better option. My folks are poor, I wasn’t given the opportunity to go to college, I live in a small town and don’t wanna work at the gas station, so I think I will sign up for a job that feeds me three meals, gives me a bed and pays me less than minimum wage.”

Or the ones that decided, “After college, I will commit to continued excellence by now, giving at least four more years to the betterment of this country and the men and women in the military. I want to develop leaders by being a leader.”

Or the girl that thought, “I can do this. I will show them, I will prove to myself and to the world, that I am strong, that I matter, that I am enough to fight for this country.”

Or the ones that courageously said Post 9-11, “SIGN ME UP! I am proud and honored to protect this country from an attack of this impact.” Without looking at any details of the attack or the governments involvement, they said without a blink of an eye, “I will serve, I will commit my life, I will forge forward and I will make a difference.”

Or the woman that says, “Go, my love. I will support you. I will be here when you return with my arms wide open, ready for your return, no matter the impact it has on you, me, or our family. I will love you if you return without a limb, return with a tremendous amount of stress in your mind, and the inability to connect for…a while.”

Or the parent that accepts with pride as they watch their son or daughter get on that bus and drive away for bootcamp, knowing that there is the possibility that this little person they grew in their womb and in their homes would be able to hold a gun, fight for our country and lose their life.

(Alan Jackson’s Song, “Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)” just came on Pandora…Thank you for the confirmation of my inspiration this am)

Or the child that watches, possibly unaware, of why Mommy or Daddy is leaving again. Smiling, they hug them, giggling they squeeze their neck while the parent holds back the tears to be strong for their family. “See you soon, baby. Daddy will be back before you know it.”

I will forever and ever and ever, admire, respect and SUPPORT our military. Despite political opinions, sex, race, sexual preference, SES, education…THANK YOU!

How can we serve them? How can we give them back a teaspoon of what they give and gave us?

I am committing to serving them right now. I will volunteer my time and career to serving this population of people. Whether by listening to their stories, connecting them to services or holding their hands. Whether supporting the families at home while their loved ones are away, or contacting our government officials to discuss the benefits they deserve…I will serve them. Whether by researching and making forward progress into treatment modalities that will assist them in processing their experiences and leading successful post-war lives, I will serve them.




Tag! You’re It!

“The privilege of a lifetime is being WHO YOU ARE!” Joseph Campbell


Helloooo Still Playin’ With It Family!

I got to spend a spectacular weekend with my father. He came for a quick visit from Oregon. What a stellar man. Sincerely he is the tour guide that made me who I am today in every way. We cruised the beach discussing the worlds’ problems and bitched about annoyances. We laughed and drank margaritas on the beach that we bought at the liquor store. #lawbreakers 🙂  The best memory of the past weekend is when my dad and I created our own personal Tag Lines. I will reveal below…read on. IMG_2850

I riff quite often on remembering that we are RIGHT where we are supposed to be. Even in the awkward, uncomfortable spaces. As I dropped my father off at the airport this a.m. I was sad to say good bye for now. Did I yell out my Ford Edge as I drove off, “Later Pops! I won’t miss you because I am right where I am supposed to be…one thousand miles away from my favorite man!” Hell no! I was fucking bummed. (F-Bomb for you DB) For good reason, too.

As I negotiated with my brain and heart throughout the day, I recognized this: In our Hero’s Journey we are called to adventure! Is my adventure nestled in the comfort of my home in Oregon with my folks? No. Is it sitting next to my best mates in the Great Pacific Northwest? (RD, DS and KG) Nope. BUT, it is in a space I created. A life I sought and discovered on my Hero’s Journey.

My adventure and the Tag-Line I created for my life stemming from past experiences, present moments, and future dreams is this:

Rebecca Laser: Travelin’ the world and kicking ass. 


This adventure is laid out in a yellow brick road of F.G.O’s. and moments that stretch us to a point of exhaustion. Remember readers: We grow the most from things that stretch us the most!

The quote below is from Do Do or Doo Doo. A valuable read from Still Playin’ With It.

“How do we become strong? First, you must identify your definition of strong. How does strength show up in your life? Generally speaking, in order to become strong, we allow ourselves to experience the pain of growth, or the discomfort of stretching our muscles to a point of exhaustion. Thereby, experiencing the amazement of building YOUR STRENGTH!”

Is your adventure stretching you today? If so I give you a big fat high five! You are doing it! Good on ya! It is courage that pushes you through those moments you want to say, “Fuck it!” and give up? (That is two DB) It is bravery that keeps you moving forward despite those uncomfortable times of fear that you feel!

What part of your Hero’s Journey are you forging through? The Call to Adventure? Are you slaying dragons? Or are you returning to tell the tale? Remember, I am with you.IMG_0296

Is my pops on this rad voyage with me? Am I able to connect with my Dad at any moment? Absolutely. My pops sent me this text this a.m:

“I am always with you.” 

And he is! You are always with me. I am always with you! May I even suggest we are one? Oh shit, that is for a whole other blog! (If interested in my esoteric opinion on the matter, shoot me an email and I will expand!)

Here is my dad’s Tag-Line he created at that moment on the sand. Fluffy, it isn’t. True, it is:

“R.C: Live life and F#@* the rest.”


Yes, this is my dad for you. I love him for it! He has learned in his almost 70 years how to “Hike Life” and move forward without the shackles of other’s opinions, ideas and projections. Definitely lessons for all of us to learn. Yes?

What is your life Tag Line? Make it simple. Make it congruent with your intentions and who you are. And share it with me!


“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” Benjamin Franklin

Milestone Monday

Dedicated to my MOTHER: THANK YOU for all of YOU! For giving all of YOU, loving with all of YOU, and supporting with all of YOU. Thank you, Mom. 


Why is it that we must have a HUGE event in our life to feel like we hit a milestone? What is a milestone?

“Milestone” according to Webster is:

 an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.

You hit a “Milestone” this am by waking up, feet hitting the floor and taking steps towards your day. A milestone to me may be different than for you. So honor each milestone in your life today. No matter how minuscule it feels or insignificant you want to believe it is. I truly believe if we saw each moment and day as significant we would enjoy the ride more. Agree?

IMG_2585Yesterday as I walked with a beautiful sage in my life (thank you BSM), we were riffing about many insightful topics. One being this: We are ALWAYS moving forward. ALWAYS. Whether in circles, or to the left, right or with our back to the wind. Forward is where we will end up. What is backwards? It is still movement to where you are to be in that moment. Plus, why would you want to walk backwards? Why would you choose to cruise this world backwards? It would be confusing. You would be blind and clumsy. Lacking confidence. Falling numerous times while bumping into people and items in your backwards path. Let alone the probability that you WILL get hurt is quite high. Yes?

SPWI Challenge #1 for Milestone Monday:

Walk all day backwards. Let me know how it goes. 


When I do walking lunges at the gym, my angst increases a smidgen as I practice them backwards. If you
TRUST yourself and take your time, it is much easier to go somewhere you can’t see with your eyes. Therefore, when I lunge backwards, I take a deep breath, keep my abs engaged intensely and trust my process. If I wobble, or have to put the other leg down…it is ok.

SPWI Challenge #2 for Milestone Monday:IMG_2123

20 lunges forward and

10 lunges backwards…

and how about we add in 5 to the right and 5 to the left. 


IN the spirit of MONDAY: this day in the week that seems to have a consistent feeling of: “UGH!” As well as, the MILESTONES we WILL create today, I am bringing you my acronym for T.G.I.M!



When is the last time you were tickled? Come on. Get to tickling yourself. Just the word “tickle” makes us smile. So TICKLE AWAY!!


What will you deliberately GENERATE today? A phone call? A feeling? A completed goal?


FEELING NO FEAR! What does FEAR stand for? You are courageous! Don’t forget that!


MOVE YOUR BODY PEOPLE! Physically and mentally! Commit to moving today.

MILESTONES come through MOVEMENT! ALWAYS FORWARD! (except when you are doing Challenge #2 today) 😉


What is your T.G.I.M acronym today going to be? And/Or PLEASE use the one I created and ponder the ways you are going to be:


Lastly, to the RAD WOMEN in my life that I am honored to think of as wise, open, and generous “Moms”: My UTMOST respect and gratitude! You KNOW who you are. Terimah Kasih Women!


“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” Benjamin Franklin