Risky Business

“Like seasons past, so is the history of our pathway, our footprints, and our tracks.” -SPWI


Good Morning Still Playin’ With It family! A ginormous Terimah Kasih (“thank you” in Indo) to all those that have inquired when the next blog would be. That shows and tells me I am doing something right!

IMG_0141If you read me on the reg or are getting to know me now, I tend to be VERY consistent with my writing. My efforts for the first year of this #creature (nat geo) were once a week, which I conquered! I have recognized that since my year anniversary edition and the story of Princess Boots, I have taken a little subconscious sabbatical. (Click that link to read the fairy tale of Princess Boots!) My sabbatical being a much needed rest. Which is NOT easy for me!

Just as the seasons of the year change, so does the seasons of our lives. In the midst of this transition from one season to the next, hibernation, rest and stillness are necessary. To honor that in myself and yourself is a beautiful gift. Good On Ya Rebecca Laser! (JH)

I have written about seasons before. Excerpt from Look What I Found!:

“The seasons result from the Earth’s axis of rotation being tilted with respect to its orbital plane. Imagine your life spinning on the axis of your history, ever rotating, moving through seasons…”

And love it. Love the season you are in. Perfectly where you are placed to be. Remembering it is ONLY a season.

Still Playin’ With It is my biggest achievement thus far, I believe. I can’t believe those words spewed from my mouth and mind. I am in CONSISTENT awe of what happens when you “Follow Your Bliss” as Joseph Campbell discusses in the Hero’s JourneyFollowing your bliss means discovering what gets your fires a blazin’! Following your bliss can be scary and vulnerable, yes? It may mean taking a risk. So do it!

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”-T.S. Eliot

I truly encourage you to watch Finding Joe.  Rent it here or buy it at the link I attached, as well! It is worth it. And if you do so, PLEASE tell me your thoughts. Joseph Campbell, the inspiration to the film says: “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.“-Joseph Campbell

When I sought out to write a blog, I had no idea what that would entail. Let alone the commitment it was going to be. But I did it. I stepped out in a leap of total faith and fell into something that gets me buzzed.

When I am sitting in my office with a client who is evolving, changing and sifting more into themselves(EK) …I am following my bliss. When I am writing to YOU at 5 am on a Thursday with inspiration from the moments in my life…I am following my bliss. When I am thanked by a Marine for being a little tour guide into themselves(SG)…I am following my bliss. When I recognize that I am following my bliss, I feel passionate. I feel excited. I feel ready.

What feels blissful TO YOU? What gets your heart racing? Like I tell my clients, I don’t ask you these questions, or probe your mind, for shits and giggles. I am intentional about the questions I pose to you all. So stop for one fucking minute and ask yourself that question: WHAT FEELS BLISSFUL TO YOU? What wakes you up at night because the thought of this thing excites you? What seems impossible and scary, yet probable and secure? Hmmmm….

Or…the other option: DON’T take one moment to stop. Thus, possibly miss an opportunity to listen to that IMG_1912inner voice telling you which way to go. UP. TO. YOU. 

At first, like any muscle, listening to and hearing that voice takes practice and time to actually develop it. “We grow the most from things that stretch us the most.” -Unknown

Therefore, be patient with yourself. It takes time to hear that voice. Or, like I tell ya’ all often: it may take you crashing your scooter over and over and over before you actually are aware that someone (yourself or god) is
telling you something. Listen! Look What I Found is packed with these ideas that I am sharing today:

“Our muscles will grow more physically when we stretch them. Our relationships will strengthen when we stretch them through awareness, connection and vulnerability. Our minds will grow when we stretch it to encompass more knowledge, experience and put effort into learning. Our spirit lengthens when we devote our thought, prayers or meditation to our higher power, our god, and ourselves.”

 My Note from the Universe this morning said this: IMG_2395

“In all battles of the heart over the mind, go with your heart. Because, truly, Rebecca, it’s a lot easier for your mind to catch up with your heart, than for your heart to catch up with your mind. A whole lot.”

WHOA! That is brilliant! And possibly apropos for todays riff. Our heart is the one guiding us towards our bliss, not our minds or heads. This 10 pound mass tends to get in the way more than blaze a trail. When you get caught up in your head, do this: GET OUT! Get out of your head and into your body. Your heart may constantly be trying to catch up to those neuronic messages…constantly. Our mind…hell, that is for a whole other blog. Next time. 🙂images (1)

And I say to you: Listen to, or TRY (CB) to listen to YOU. It is always true.

Like most times I set out to write, I never know what will come out. I listen to my heart. Following my fingers as they riff a bunch of words that form sentences that form paragraphs, a blissful product develops. I trust the process. YOU may think I, or god, is speaking directly to your heart right now. If so, please share that with me. It encourages me. It reminds me that I am Following My Bliss. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. My spirit loves to experience the benefits of following my bliss: Touching hearts and #changinglives 😉


“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” Benjamin Franklin