Encore! Encore!


Good Day Still Playin With It family! 

I usually end my blog with the above quote. Today, I am starting this blog with that quote because it has become a foundation for the last two years of my life.

IMG_7266It’s Still Playin’ With It and My 2 year Anniversary! Yes, it has been two years since I started the adventure in blogging. Holy Hell! Two freakin years! I remember sitting at Starbucks on a sunny March morning in 2014, setting out to study for my licensing exam. Then, like the amazing procrastinator I am, I started a blog instead. Ha! Best A.D.D. decision I have EVER made.

Blogging, for me, wasn’t ever about blogging. Blogging was just a silly word to me that represented a time in history where computers and social media had become the go-to front for people to hide behind. I am NOT speaking of all bloggers. I am generally speaking of the way people have grown accustomed to hiding behind a keyboard, cell phone or computer screen. Feeling courageous when typing, and not when talking. Feeling invincible when clicking, scrolling and tweeting behind the safety net of the web. Yes, it is a web. A confusing, convoluted web of isolation and fear. Ok, rant over. (natgeo)

So, I decided that my blog wasn’t going to be about hiding…but about showing up to the world. Being honest. Being transparent. Being Perfectly Rebecca. As James Clear states: “To Lead at Scale.” It was a way to get out of my journal and into your head!


I get the most compliments from readers thanking me for being real. Could you imagine living your life any other way? AHA! I felt a little squirm in you when I asked that! Because WE ALL do it. We hide behind a text message. Experience life behind a screen. Conceal our true emotions, feelings or ideas from your world in order to…to what? Well stop that shit. Make eye contact. Oh! Here is an idea…Dial a string of digits on that keypad and actually use your vocal chords to talk. Be bold.

IMG_7272In all honesty, blogging was an amazing opportunity to show and tell my life as I grew, stretched and got OUTSIDE my comfort zone. Leaving the “comfort” of a difficult relationship and tip toeing my way along the ledgies of the unknown. I knew it would be the perfect storm of life lessons for US ALL If I was honest about it. And I was.

All of these were full of F.G.O’s. Yes, fucking growth opportunities. Despite the back drop of the Indian Ocean in Bali, The ruins in Rome, the pain of the Grand Canyon, the liberation in Zion or the Marines that fight for this country, my life and YOURS is full of lessons to be learned. Along with a choice. A choice to Dig Deep or to isolate in the blooming. I mean, I was and still am Still Playin With It. Still Playin with life, lessons, love. What are you Still Playin With?

IMG_7051Still Playin With It, two years later has been a way for my life to inspire yours. My means of leaving a little fairy dust of inspiration or continuous wave of encouragement. A ripple effect long outlasting the short moments you share with me. I want to show up in my world and leave a lasting effect. Hence the world of blogging for me. Maybe a word or a statement from my heart leaving a little impression on the life of my reader.

IMG_7261Aw! The Encore Effect! Right?! 😉 Have you heard of this idea or this book??  As the name implies, The Encore Effect is what happens when you walk away from someone and they want some more. A standing ovation suggesting: “Wait! I want some more of that!” You impact people merely by being YOU and that leaves a ripple whereby they can’t  wait for more! A yearning. A longing for more of what you left in their presence. A crop dust of enticement. A little sprinkle of power to welcome back the people who are ready to dive in. Do you want to leave that effect on people? How can you? What do you leave behind?

Two years ago I wrote A-WAKE. I re-read it today and it rings as true then as it does now. You WILL leave a path behind you. You will leave some sort of impression…

“What will your wake of existence be? Will you allow for a chemical filled jet stream to be your source of forward momentum? Or will you look behind your path, behind your life and see a wake of impact? A wake of ripples, whether large or small, that give people an opportunity to believe in the possibility of empowerment? That was my choice. That was my option. I chose to be and have a wake-effect, a small ripple in my sea of influence. My imprint.”A-Wake 

Thank you for reading me. 


I love, love, love you all. May this next year be one where we all stand and applaud YOU for taking a leap of faith, forgiving someone, setting a goal, achieving it, blessing a life, or hugging your person. Be here now. And know, that you are perfect.

“All she wants to do is, all she wants to do is dance. And make romance. (Oh, and change the world btw.) That’s it. 

Love, Rebecca 


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